Welcome to Momentum’s Autopilot documentation. Autopilot is an innovative tool designed to streamline your sales processes using AI and automation. By integrating seamlessly with Salesforce, Autopilot helps you capture critical data effortlessly, saving your sales representatives valuable time and improving overall CRM hygiene.

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Product Overview

Say hello to MEDDIC on Autopilot.

Momentum listens and captures MEDDIC, MEDDPICC, SPICED, BANT, and other Salesforce fields after calls using AI and automation. This innovation saves your reps hours of admin work every single week.

Key Benefits

  • Improve Data Hygiene: Capture important data as soon as your call ends. Momentum listens to the fields you care about using simple AI prompts, enhancing CRM hygiene and decision-making.
  • Save Time on Admin Work: Avoid sifting through transcripts or rewatching calls to find key insights. Automatic CRM updates free up reps’ time, allowing them to focus on selling and honing their sales skills.
  • Slack-Native Interface: Deliver insights directly to Slack or auto-sync with Salesforce. Lower the bar to capture data from sales calls to quickly identify trends, improve forecasts, and report more accurately.

“I use Momentum to either remove or reduce the time that my sales leaders and reps spend on important but non-revenue-generating activities.”

Steve Dinner, Head of RevOps @ Owner.com

Key Features

Autopilot offers a range of powerful features to enhance your sales process:

Custom AI Prompts

Create your own prompts to refine leverage AI and fine-tune it to your specific way of selling and running qualification and discovery of deals.

Multiple Object Support

Supports various objects, including accounts, leads, contacts, and custom objects.

Broad Field Support

It supports all types of Salesforce fields and performs exceptionally well with free-form text and picklists.

Adaptive Field Requirements

Adapts to your fields’ requirements, such as max character length or limited picklist options.


Refine Autopilot based on the stage of your opportunities or any Salesforce-based rule, ensuring it only handles fields when they make sense.

Sales Playbook Integration

Implement your sales playbook by extracting only the relevant fields at each deal stage.

Context Retention

Leverages the latest call to learn new insights while picking up on previous field values or past calls to maintain important context.

Comprehensive Push-to-Salesforce Options

Fully automated writing into Salesforce with options for “confirm to write” or “write only if the field is empty.”

Slack Integration

Embed Autopilot suggestions inside Slack threads for easy team review and application.

Common Use Cases

Explore how Autopilot can transform your business operations:

Implement Your Sales Playbook

Extract the right set of fields at the right stages of your deal.

Save Time for Reps

Automate field filling in the CRM for highly transactional deals, freeing up reps to focus on selling and reducing frustration and churn.

Enhance Post-Sale Context

Increase the depth and quality of CRM answers, providing more context to your post-sale team once a deal closes.

Call-Powered CRM Data Enrichment

Use Momentum MEDDICC Autopilot as a data enrichment layer, capturing first-hand data directly from customer interactions. Use data at scale to prioritize your pipeline and improve forecasts.

Getting Started

To get started with Autopilot, follow these steps:

  1. Integration Setup:
  1. Setup Initial Autopilot Extractions
  • Configure your AI prompts and field preferences within the Momentum admin dashboard.
  • Customize settings to match your sales playbook and CRM structure.
  • Enable Autopilot Extractions to start capturing and updating CRM data seamlessly.
  1. Go Fully Automatic
  • Monitor AI performance and adjust prompts as needed for optimal results.
  • Enable Automatic Save once your extractions feel right to complete the setup and fully eliminate this piece of admin from your rep’s lives.

Creating Your First Autopilot Extraction

Once you’ve determined every field you want Momentum to extract into your CRM from customer calls. It’s time to set up an Autopilot Extraction for each of them. One Autopilot Extraction will allow you to map a field in Salesforce to a prompt you’ll write to let AI handle the field’s content during calls.

  1. Create a New Auto-Pilot Extraction and Prompt:
  • You should know that Momentum will automatically map any calls your team makes to a Salesforce account, opportunity, or lead.
  • Once you’ve selected the object and field you’d like to put on Autopilot, create a prompt that makes sense for the specific field. Good prompts are questions that guide reps on what value to write into the CRM after a customer conversation.
  1. Set Salesforce Conditions:
  • Define conditions under which specific fields are extracted (e.g., extract medical fields only for deals in the qualification or discovery stage, but ignore them for deals close to closing).
  1. Save and Execute Extractions:
  • Save the extraction rule. Once calls start running through Momentum, monitor to ensure the extractions are executed correctly and that the values Momentum suggests make sense for your intention behind that Salesforce field.

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By leveraging Momentum’s Autopilot, your organization will experience unparalleled efficiency in managing sales data, driving better decision-making, and ultimately boosting your competitive edge.

If you need further assistance or have inquiries, please contact our support team. Thank you for choosing Momentum’s Autopilot to revolutionize your sales process.