Leverage Momentum’s Autopilot, Contact Automation, Scheduled Notifications, and Scheduled Paths features to ensure your CRM data is accurate and up-to-date. Automate data capture and updates and proactively remind reps to update records, reducing manual entry and maintaining data integrity.

Why Data Hygiene Matters

Maintaining clean and accurate data in your CRM is crucial for effective decision-making, efficient sales processes, and reliable reporting. Poor data hygiene can lead to poor deal handoffs, wasted time, and misinformed strategies. By automating data capture and updates and ensuring timely reminders, you can significantly enhance the quality of your CRM data.

Key Features for Improving Data Hygiene

  1. Autopilot

    • Automatic Data Capture: Autopilot listens to calls and captures critical information automatically, ensuring that no important data is missed.
    • Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates CRM fields with the latest information from sales calls, reducing the need for manual data entry.
    • Custom AI Prompts: Create prompts tailored to your specific data requirements to ensure consistent and accurate data capture.


  2. Contact Automation

    • Effortless Contact Capture: Automatically adds participants from sales calls to your CRM as leads or contacts, ensuring comprehensive data coverage.
    • Flexible Sync Options: Sync attendees from calls as contacts or leads based on your Salesforce object preferences, either manually or automatically.
    • Enhanced Multi-Threading: Capture all stakeholders involved in a deal, improving multi-threading and ensuring no key contact is missed.

    Contact Automation

  3. Scheduled Notifications

    • Automated Reminders: Set up scheduled notifications to remind sales reps to update out-of-date records.
    • Native in Slack: Scheduled notifications are native in Slack, lowering the friction for reps to update their deals and ensuring the job gets done.
    • Batch Processing: Scheduled notifications are grouped by record type, allowing reps to review and update similar records simultaneously. This batch processing reduces administrative overhead and makes it easier for reps to maintain CRM accuracy.

    Scheduled Notifications

  4. Scheduled Paths

    • Proactive Follow-Ups: Use scheduled paths to send follow-up reminders about a specific event for a deal at predetermined times, ensuring individual records are kept up-to-date.
    • Individual vs. Batch Processing: Scheduled Paths deliver reminders for a single record at the exact time needed, based on a specific date field in that record. This is in contrast to Scheduled Notifications, which handle multiple records and deliver reminders in a batch on a regularly scheduled cadence.
    • Targeted Interventions: Set conditions to trigger reminders for specific records that require updates, helping maintain data accuracy.

    Salesforce Notifications

Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Data Hygiene

  1. Setting Up Autopilot
    • Navigate to the Autopilot section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Configure AI prompts to capture the specific data fields you need from sales calls.
    • Enable Autopilot Extractions to start automatically capturing and updating CRM data.
  2. Configuring Contact Automation
    • Go to the Contact Automation section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Create a new contact automation workflow by specifying the contact types and conditions for syncing attendees from calls.
    • Set up Slack notifications to alert your team when new contacts are added, ensuring they can review and enrich the data if necessary.
  3. Implementing Scheduled Notifications
    • Navigate to the Scheduled Notifications section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Create a new scheduled notification to remind reps to update records that have not been modified within a specified period.
    • Customize the notification message to include relevant details and useful action buttons for the reps to manage things from Slack.
  4. Setting Up Scheduled Paths
    • Go to the Salesforce Notifications section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Define conditions to trigger a notification for an event and conditions that require rep review and updates.
    • Schedule these paths to ensure regular reminders are sent to reps to maintain data hygiene.
  5. Monitoring and Refining
    • Regularly monitor the data being captured and updated in your CRM to ensure it meets your quality standards.
    • Adjust AI prompts, contact automation workflows, and notification schedules as needed to improve accuracy and relevance.

Benefits of Improved Data Hygiene

  • Increased Efficiency: Reduce the time spent on manual data entry, allowing your sales team to focus on selling.
  • Better Decision-Making: Rely on accurate and up-to-date data to make informed business decisions.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Improve the reliability of your reports and forecasts with clean and consistent CRM data.
  • Stronger Multi-Threading: Ensure all relevant stakeholders are captured and tracked, enhancing your sales strategy and relationship management.
  • Proactive Management: Maintain up-to-date records with automated reminders to reduce the challenges faced by your sales managers.

Customer Testimonial

“As a Series A company, we are working to nail our GTM motion and scale it as we grow. Momentum helps us build repeatable processes while also savin rep and management time with automations and actionable insights.”

— Alex Mitchell, Head of Sales @ Fleet

By following these steps and leveraging Momentum’s powerful features, you can ensure that your CRM data is always accurate, up-to-date, and ready to support your business goals. For further assistance or to discuss custom workflows, please contact our support team.