Utilize Autopilot to consistently and reliably extract data across the entire sales and customer success teams. Use Scheduled Reports to deliver key metrics and insights to your team regularly. Ensure everyone stays informed about sales performance and pipeline status without manually checking Salesforce. Leverage these tools to review data at scale, integrate dashboards into the team’s workflows, and keep data up-to-date.

Why Enhancing Reporting and Analysis Matters

Consistent and accurate reporting is vital for understanding sales performance, tracking pipeline status, and making informed decisions. Manual data input and report generation can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By automating these processes, you can ensure that your leadership team has access to the latest insights and metrics, helping them make strategic decisions based on accurate, up-to-date data. This not only improves efficiency but also boosts confidence in data-driven decisions.

Key Features for Enhancing Reporting and Analysis

  1. Scheduled Reports

    • Automated Delivery: Set up scheduled reports to automatically deliver key metrics and Salesforce insights to your team at regular intervals.
    • Customizable Content: Tailor the content of scheduled reports to include the most relevant data for your team’s needs, such as sales performance, pipeline status, and deal progress.
    • Integration with Workflows: Integrate these reports into your team’s workflows by delivering them directly to Slack channels or individual users, ensuring timely and easy access to critical information.
    • Collaborative Discussions: Deliver Salesforce data right in Slack, where the team engages most with it. Team members can use threads to collaborate and converse about the data, fostering a collaborative environment for analysis and decision-making.

    Scheduled Reports

  2. Autopilot

    • Reliable Data Extraction: Use Autopilot to automatically extract data from sales calls and interactions, ensuring that all relevant information is captured consistently across the team.
    • Context-Aware Prompts: Configure Autopilot with prompts that adapt based on the stage of the opportunity and the type of call, ensuring that the right data is captured at the right time.
    • Consistent Data Quality: Maintain high data quality and consistency across all reps, reducing discrepancies and ensuring accurate reporting.


Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing Reporting and Analysis

  1. Setting Up Scheduled Reports
    • Navigate to the Scheduled Reports section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Create a new scheduled report by selecting the Salesforce report you’d like to update and deliver.
    • Choose the Slack channels or individual users who should receive the scheduled reports.
    • Encourage team members to review the reports regularly and use the insights to inform their activities and decisions.
    • Foster collaboration by encouraging team members to discuss the data in report threads, share insights, ask questions, and coordinate actions directly in Slack.
  2. Implementing Autopilot for Data Extraction
    • Go to the Autopilot section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Configure Autopilot with prompts that capture the necessary data fields for your reports, ensuring consistency across all reps.
    • Set up context-aware prompts that adjust based on the opportunity stage and call type, ensuring accurate and relevant data capture.
    • Monitor the data extracted by Autopilot to ensure high quality and consistency, making adjustments as needed to improve accuracy.
  3. Maintaining Continuous Improvement
    • Regularly review the effectiveness of your scheduled reports and the data captured by Autopilot.
    • Adjust the content and frequency of reports based on feedback from your team and evolving business needs.
    • Use the insights gained from reports to identify trends, address issues, and continuously improve your sales strategies and performance.

Benefits of Enhancing Reporting and Analysis

  • Timely Access to Insights: Ensure your team has access to the latest metrics and insights without manually checking Salesforce, enabling timely and informed decision-making.
  • Improved Data Quality: Maintain high data quality and consistency across all reps with reliable and automated data extraction.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Integrate reports directly into your team’s workflows, reducing the need for manual report generation and review.
  • Collaborative Analysis: Foster a collaborative environment by delivering reports in Slack, allowing team members to discuss and analyze data in threads.
  • Better Strategic Planning: Use the insights gained from regular reports to inform strategic planning, identify trends, and address potential issues proactively.
  • Enhanced Team Performance: Keep your team focused on high-value activities by providing them with the critical information they need to succeed.

Customer Testimonial

“Momentum has been an amazing game changer for me. Not only has it opened my mind to what is possible with automation and AI, but it has accelerated my ability to help the team perform at a higher level. From the automation of notes into our CRM, to detailed call feedback reviews, to insights learned across calls, this platform is amazing and the team is even better. Good, smart, intelligent and strategic individuals who make all the difference. Could not recommend working with Momentum more.”

— Jonathan Kvarfordt, Head of GTM Revenue Enablement Product Marketing @ Simetrik

By leveraging Momentum’s Scheduled Reports and Autopilot, you can enhance your reporting and analysis processes, ensuring timely and accurate insights for your team. For further assistance or to discuss custom workflows, please contact our support team.