
At Momentum, our Proof of Concept (POC) process is designed to be straightforward, efficient, and minimally disruptive to your team. This document outlines the key stages, goals, common concerns, and overall process to provide a clear understanding of how we operate.

Key Stages of the POC

The Momentum POC spans two weeks and involves three key meetings:

  1. Installation Meeting (45 minutes)

    Objective: Set up the initial system and integrate Momentum with your existing tools.


    • Installation of the Momentum application.
    • Initial configuration and setup of call extractions.
  2. Check-In Meeting (30 minutes)

    Objective: Review prompts and extractions to ensure alignment with your needs.


    • Discuss initial findings from Momentum’s AI extractions.
    • Adjust prompts and workflows as necessary.
  3. Go/No-Go Session (30 minutes)

    Objective: Evaluate the results of the POC and decide on the next steps.


    • Review the impact and effectiveness of the POC.
    • Make a go/no-go decision based on the outcomes.

Goals and Success Metrics

The primary objectives of our POC process are:

  • Prove the quality of Momentum’s AI extractions: Demonstrate the accuracy and relevance of the data extracted by our AI.
  • Showcase our team’s support: Provide a taste of how our team operates and supports customers.
  • Reduce administrative workload: Highlight the impact of our workflows in minimizing your team’s day-to-day administrative tasks.
  • Improve pipeline visibility: Illustrate how our product enhances the visibility of your sales pipeline.

Common Questions and Concerns

We understand that stakeholders may have concerns about the POC process. Here are some common questions and our responses:

Will the POC take too much of my time?

No, the POC is designed to be efficient, requiring only three short meetings over two weeks.

Will I need to distract my team during the POC?

No, the POC can run with minimal involvement from your team. Reps can engage with Momentum notes and field extractions, but it is not mandatory.

Do I need to connect Momentum to production environments?

Yes, but Momentum ensures data privacy and security with industry-standard certifications and practices.

Does Momentum offer data privacy assurances and hold certifications?

Yes, Momentum adheres to strict data privacy standards and holds the necessary certifications to ensure your data is secure.

Do I need to run this through infosec and procurement?

It is advisable to consult with your infosec and procurement teams, but our process is designed to be straightforward and compliant with standard security protocols. We’re happy to setup agreements if needed for a POC to be put in place.

Process Overview

Throughout the POC, you will be assigned a dedicated Solutions Architect who will manage the process and implement the necessary prompts and workflows. Our goal is to deliver value to you while handling the majority of the workload, ensuring the POC is approachable and efficient.

You will have access to our admin panel, allowing you to review or change any configurations as needed. However, our team will take the lead in managing the process to ensure a seamless experience.

Steps Involved:

  1. Assigning Solutions Architect: A dedicated Solutions Architect from Momentum will be assigned to oversee the POC.
  2. Initial Setup: Your Momentum Solutions Architect will guide you through the installation and handle the initial configuration.
  3. Ongoing Management: The Solutions Architect will design and manage the prompts and workflows for your initial setup, ensuring they deliver value.
  4. Review and Adjust: You will have the opportunity to review and adjust configurations as needed.
  5. Final Evaluation: At the end of the POC, a go/no-go decision will be made based on the outcomes.


Momentum’s POC process is designed to be simple, efficient, and minimally disruptive. We handle most of the workload, allowing you to focus on evaluating our product’s value to your organization.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule your POC and experience the benefits of Momentum firsthand.