Welcome to Salesforce Notifications by Momentum! Stay on top of your sales process with real-time Slack notifications and alerts. Whether it’s sending reports, pipeline updates, or Closed Won messages, Momentum is the easiest and fastest way to create seamless notifications between Salesforce and Slack.

Key Features:

  • Smart Slack Notifications: Receive automatic notifications directly in Slack, triggered by customer call insights and Salesforce updates.
  • Customizable Workflows: Use pre-built notification workflows or create your own to match your sales process.

Customer Testimonial:

“It’s a joy partnering with the Momentum team! We use Momentum automations for core notification workflows, and our Enterprise sales team uses the impressive Momentum AI features every day.”

— Catherine Hsieh Director, Sales Strategy & Operations @ Jasper

Getting Started

Install Momentum

To begin using Salesforce Notifications, you first need to install the Momentum app. Follow the instructions in the Momentum Installation Guide to set up the app and configure the necessary permissions.

Set Up Your First Notification

Step 1: Set Object and Record Criteria

First, specify which Salesforce object and records you want to monitor.

  • Select the Salesforce Object: Choose the object you wish to monitor, such as Contacts, Accounts, or Opportunities. Any object, custom or standard, is supported.
  • Define the Record Criteria: Specify the criteria that a record must meet to trigger a notification. This could be based on changes to a specific field, or a combination of fields reaching certain values. Any non-formula field that can be accessed through a lookup to the root record can be used as criteria.


Step 2: Customize Your Notification

Once you’ve identified the records to monitor, the next step is customizing how you receive notifications.

  • Customize the Message: Tailor the notification message to include relevant information. You can leverage details such as the record’s name, the specific change made, and who made the change. Take full advantage of rich text editing, such as bolding, embedded links, or emojis.
  • Include Record Details: Include CRM fields directly into the message or as an add-on at the bottom of your Slack message.
  • Include Options for Action: Give users the fields they need to update directly from Slack. Define fields with predefined values, or links to the records directly as part of the message.


Step 3: Set Your Destination

The final step involves specifying where the notifications should be sent. Notifications can be sent to a variety of locations, including Slack channels, DMs, Deal Rooms, and more. Be sure to take advantage of active user lookup to send to the relevant Salesforce users.

That’s it! You’ve just configured your first notification. 🎉


Advanced Use Case: Scheduled Path for Notifications

As your notification strategy matures, you may want to set up a schedule for your notifications to be delivered on a specific date derived from a date field in the record. This allows you to trigger notifications based on an event but deliver them at a later time that makes more sense for your workflow.

Example: Reminder for Account Executives to Qualify an Opportunity

Scenario: You want to remind account executives to qualify an opportunity multiple days after the initial meeting has taken place. The scheduled paths feature allow you to deliver the same notification multiple times at specific intervals after an event should have been handled. If the rep updates the opportunity and qualifies or disqualifies it, further scheduled path deliveries will not execute.

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Advanced Use Case: Conditional Delivery

Conditional delivery allows you to send notifications to multiple destinations with specific conditions applied to each destination. This is useful when you need to deliver notifications differently based on certain criteria.

Example: Close-Won Notification

Scenario: You want to send a Close-Won notification to both your Customer Success team in a public Slack channel and your Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). However, the CRO should only receive notifications if the deal meets a minimum ARR threshold.

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Advanced Use Case: Action Buttons with Pre-Set Values

Action buttons in Slack notifications allow users to update Salesforce records can have preset values records will always receive, streamlining the process for your team and ensuring consistency. Pro tip: enable your sales reps to take alternative actions on record by using different Update Object buttons with different set of preset values. Use colors to help visualize these actions.

Example: Update Multiple Fields with Preset Values

Scenario: You want your reps to update Salesforce records efficiently. By using action buttons in Slack, reps can apply predefined changes to multiple fields without remembering the exact values or navigating Salesforce manually.

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What are Salesforce Notifications?

Salesforce Notifications are real-time alerts and updates sent to Slack, triggered by specific actions or changes within your Salesforce environment.

How do I customize notifications?

You can customize notifications by selecting the Salesforce object and record criteria, tailoring the notification message, and setting the destination in Slack.

Can I share customer insights with other teams?

Yes, you can proactively share important customer insights with your product and marketing teams through Slack notifications.


Your data security is our priority. Momentum adheres to strict security standards and practices to ensure your information is protected. For more details, refer to our Security Overview.


Thank you for choosing Salesforce Notifications by Momentum. We are excited to help you streamline your sales process and keep your team informed with real-time updates. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team at support@momentum.io.

Ready to get started? Configure your first notification now and see the difference it makes!