Welcome to the documentation for our Email Follow-Up product. Momentum leverages advanced AI to craft personalized follow-up emails based on customer calls, ensuring they align with your communication style and brand guidelines. This tool helps create highly contextual, meaningful interactions while saving 90% of your time and effort on email writing. By automating email drafts and incorporating relevant links from your knowledge base, Momentum drastically reduces administrative tasks and maintains a tight cadence with your customers.

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Setting Up Email Follow-Up

Step 1: Organization-Level Settings

Login to the Web Application:

  1. Navigate to the Email Follow-Up settings in your armin dashboard.

Set Communication Guidelines:

  1. Define the tone and style for follow-up emails.

  2. Upload example emails that represent your brand’s communication style.

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Add Relevant Links:

  1. Provide links that your team’s emails usually include such as security portal URLs or product pages.

  2. Save these settings to be used in all follow-up emails.

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Step 2: Individual-Level Settings

Access Individual Settings:

  1. Sales reps and customer support reps can customize their settings.
  2. Navigate to the “Momentum Home” app in https://app.momentum.io and find the Email Follow-Up product.
  3. Click on the Configure link on the top right of your list of emails.

Customize Personal Communication Style:

  1. Upload example emails that reflect personal communication preferences.
  2. Adjust tone and style settings to match individual preferences.

Add Relevant Links:

  1. Provide relevant links only to them and not the rest of the team such as their own calendar booking link, or pricing sheet.
  2. Save these settings to be used in their own follow-up emails.

Save and Test:

  1. Save individual settings.
  2. Wait for your first email to ensure settings are applied correctly.

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Best Practices

Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your follow-up emails maintain a consistent tone and style that aligns with both your brand and individual communication preferences.

Timely Follow-Ups: Schedule follow-ups promptly to maintain engagement and show customers that their time is valued.

Use Relevant Links: Always include pertinent links such as your calendar booking link or security portal to make it easier for customers to take the next step.

Review and Edit Your Drafts: Before sending, review the AI-generated emails to ensure accuracy and relevance. Utilize tools like Grammarly for grammar and spelling checks.

Advanced Settings

Email Generation in Slack: Leverage Slack for real-time email generation and modifications. Your perfect follow-up email will be written and shown to you for any edits right in Slack and can be sent with the click of a button via Gmail.

Batch Mode Interaction: Utilize the web application to handle emails in batch mode. Review and edit multiple emails at once to streamline your workflow.

Automated Expiry: Understand that emails not handled after a certain time will expire automatically to maintain relevance.

Contact Support

If you encounter any issues not covered in this documentation, please contact our support team at support@momentum.io.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the advanced features of our Email Follow-Up product, your sales and customer support teams can enhance their efficiency and maintain a consistent, professional communication style with your customers.

For further assistance or to explore more features, book a call with our support team. Happy emailing!