Welcome to the Executive Briefs documentation. This guide is designed to help RevOps and Sales Leaders configure and maximize the benefits of our Executive Briefs product.

Key Features of Executive Briefs

Comprehensive Call Analysis

Executive Briefs allow you to collectively analyze weeks’ worth of calls, drawing insights that leadership seeks. This includes aggregating account details and providing bullet-point updates on progress made over many days.

Key Benefits :

  • Aggregate Insights: Compile data from multiple calls to provide a clear picture of sales performance and customer feedback.
  • Leadership Focus: Tailor insights to what matters most to executives, such as pitch effectiveness, customer reception, and pricing feedback.

Customizable Filtering and Targeting

Use Momentum’s condition builder to filter and focus on specific subsets of calls, such as all calls from the East Coast commercial team or the enterprise team in EMEA.

Key Benefits :

  • Precision Filtering: Use Salesforce fields to narrow down the calls you want to analyze.
  • Tailored Insights: Program custom prompts to extract the exact insights your stakeholders are looking for.

Scheduled Delivery

Schedule Executive Briefs to be delivered on a set cadence, such as weekly every Friday morning right before your leadership team call.

Key Benefits :

  • Consistent Updates: Ensure leadership receives timely updates without manual effort.
  • Automated Workflow: Set it once and have insights delivered automatically.

Stakeholder-Specific Insights

Deliver refined insights that are targeted to specific stakeholders, such as CMOs, CFOs, CPOs, CEOs, or any layer of leadership within sales, from first-level managers to CROs.

Key Benefits :

  • Personalized Briefs: Customize the content to match the interests of different executives.
  • Enhanced Observability: Increase visibility into organizational performance tailored to each leader’s focus.

Getting Started with Executive Briefs

Step 1: Integration Setup

  1. Install Momentum AI with your preferred call provider:

Momentum Installation Guide

  1. Log in to access the Executive Briefs dashboard:
    • Once logged in, navigate to the Executive Briefs section.

Step 2: Configure Your Executive Brief

  1. Create a New Brief:
    • Navigate to the Executive Briefs section and click on “Create New Brief.”
  2. Set Delivery Time:
    • Choose the date and time for a weekly or custom cadence. For example, you might set the brief to be delivered every Friday at 13:00.
  3. Define Criteria for the Brief:
    • Title: Enter a title for your brief, such as “Weekly Sales Review.”
    • Description: Provide a brief overview of what the brief will cover.
    • Guidelines: (Optional) Add any specific instructions or guidelines for the brief.
  4. Add Sections:
    • Create as many sections as needed. For each section, provide examples of content that can be used as guidance by the AI model. Examples might include:
      • Our Pitch: “How are the reps pitching the product?”
      • Pricing: “What are the highlights of pricing conversations?”
      • Competition: “What are the discussions around competition and which competitors are mentioned?”
      • Recommendations: “What actionable recommendations can be derived from the calls?”
      • Red Flags: “Identify any red flags or noteworthy findings that could impact the sales process.”
  5. Reorder and Preview:
    • Sections can be re-ordered or deleted as needed. Preview the end result to ensure the brief contains the insights you need.
    • The preview will run on a small group of calls and execute quickly, allowing you to make adjustments before the final brief is generated.

Step 3: Apply Filters

  1. Set Filters:
    • Use Momentum’s condition builder to filter down subsets of calls. You can filter by Salesforce fields to focus on specific teams or regions. For example:
      • Opportunity Amount > 100000
      • Opportunity Owner’s Manager = “John Doe”

Step 4: Choose Delivery Destination

  1. Select Destination:
    • Send the brief to a public Slack channel, a group DM, or a specific individual via direct message.

Step 5: Generate and Schedule Briefs

  1. Run Preview:
    • Run a preview to review the brief’s content based on a small subset of calls.
  2. Save and Schedule:
    • Once satisfied with the preview, save the brief. The final generation will run through all the calls that meet the criteria, which can be hundreds or thousands.
    • The brief will be delivered on the chosen cadence, such as next Friday morning.

Monitoring and Analyzing Executive Briefs

Regular Monitoring

  • Check Regularly: Stay updated on the insights delivered by Executive Briefs.
  • Analyze Data: Look for patterns or recurring issues that need attention.
  • Adjust Settings: Refine your briefs based on the analysis to improve their relevance and impact.
  • Act on Insights: Use the insights to make informed decisions and drive business growth.

Share Feedback

  • Encourage your team to provide feedback on the usefulness of the briefs to continuously improve the system.


Executive Briefs is a powerful tool that provides unparalleled visibility and insights from your sales calls. By delivering tailored, actionable insights directly to leadership, it helps improve decision-making and organizational performance.

Ready to take your sales insights to the next level? Get Started with Executive Briefs today!

For any questions or support, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at support@momentum.io