Momentum has allowed our team to be more productive while staying lean. Their AI solution has helped us reduce churn over 2023 by allowing all stake holders to see calls in real time and collaborate for a solution. Their support and customer success is second to none.

Streamline your sales processes by utilizing AI Signals, Autopilot, and Summaries. Automate administrative tasks and focus on selling by receiving real-time insights and automated call notes.

Why Sales Efficiency Matters

Sales efficiency is critical for maximizing productivity, reducing sales cycle times, and increasing revenue. Inefficient sales processes can lead to wasted time, missed opportunities, and decreased morale among sales teams. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time insights, Momentum helps sales teams focus on what they do best—selling.

Key Features for Enhancing Sales Efficiency

  1. AI Signals

    • Real-Time Insights: AI Signals captures key information from sales and customer success calls—such as product feedback, churn risk, and competitive mentions—and shares it with key stakeholders instantly.
    • Customizable Alerts: Tailor signals to your specific needs and include specialized summarized, ensuring that your team receives the most relevant and actionable insights.
    • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Distribute insights across teams and to leadership to keep everyone informed and aligned.

    AI Signals

  2. Autopilot

    • Automatic Data Capture: Autopilot listens to calls and automatically updates CRM fields, reducing the need for manual data entry.
    • Streamlined Processes: Capture essential information in real-time, ensuring that your CRM is always up-to-date and accurate.
    • Custom AI Prompts: Create prompts to guide reps on what information to capture during calls, ensuring consistency and completeness.


  3. Summaries

    • Automated Note-Taking: Summaries automatically generate detailed notes from sales calls, saving reps time and ensuring that key information is recorded.
    • Instant Insights: Summaries provide actionable insights from calls, which can be shared directly with the team in Slack or CRM.
    • Configurable Workflows: Customize summaries to focus on specific aspects of calls, such as objections, next steps, or competitor analysis.


Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing Sales Efficiency

  1. Implementing AI Signals
    • Navigate to the AI Signals section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Set up signals to capture and share the most relevant insights from sales calls.
    • Configure delivery channels to ensure that the right teams receive timely alerts.
  2. Setting Up Autopilot
    • Go to the Autopilot section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Configure AI prompts to capture critical data fields during sales calls.
    • Enable Autopilot Extractions to automatically update CRM records in real-time.
  3. Utilizing Summaries
    • Navigate to the Summaries section in the Momentum admin dashboard.
    • Set up summary workflows to capture and highlight key information from sales calls.
    • Customize the content and delivery of summaries to align with your team’s needs.
  4. Monitoring and Refining Processes
    • Regularly review the data and insights captured by AI Signals, Autopilot, and Summaries to ensure they meet your team’s needs.
    • Adjust configurations and prompts as necessary to improve accuracy and relevance.
    • Use Momentum’s reporting features to track the impact on sales efficiency and identify areas for further improvement.

Benefits of Enhanced Sales Efficiency

  • Increased Productivity: Reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing sales reps to focus on selling.
  • Shorter Sales Cycles: Streamlined processes and real-time insights help move deals through the pipeline faster.
  • Improved Accuracy: Automated data capture and note-taking ensure that key information is recorded accurately and consistently.
  • Better Collaboration: Share insights across teams to ensure everyone is informed and working towards the same goals.
  • Higher Revenue: More efficient sales processes lead to increased revenue and better overall performance.

Customer Testimonial

“Momentum has allowed our team to be more productive while staying lean. Their AI solution has helped us reduce churn over 2023 by allowing all stake holders to see calls in real time and collaborate for a solution. Their support and customer success is second to none.”

— Alex Cartens, Director of RevOps @ Chowly

By leveraging Momentum’s powerful features, you can streamline your sales processes, enhance productivity, and focus on driving revenue. For further assistance or to discuss custom workflows, please contact our support team.