Momentum AI’s integration with Chorus simplifies accessing your team’s calls. With this integration, Momentum will access all calls in your Chorus without altering how your team’s calls are recorded or reconfigure Zoom or other video callers to incorporate Momentum.

Copy Your Chorus API Key

First, create an API on Chorus and then add the API key to Momentum to establish a connection. Begin by signing into your Chorus account and navigating to the Settings section.

In the Personal Settings page, scroll down until you find the ‘API Access’ section.

Click on the ‘Generate API token’ button and follow the instructions.

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Copy the generated API key and switch to your Momentum admin dashboard.

In your Momentum dashboard, you can find Chorus and paste the previously copied API key.

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That’s all! Your integration is now successfully completed.

Data Access for All Your Teams

Your teams must have access to data within Chorus to provide Momentum with access to all the right calls. This access allows you to determine which call recordings Momentum can analyze.

To modify data access, follow these steps:

  1. In Chorus, navigate to Settings and select Teams and Data Access.
  2. If data access isn’t already activated, click on Activate Data Access.
  3. Scroll down and select the team whose access you want to change.
  4. On the selected team’s page, scroll down to the Data Access section.
  5. Click on Selected Teams and make the necessary additions or removals.
  6. Save your changes, and you’re done!

You can also manage a team’s access to the Manager’s data by selecting Yes or No in the Data Access section.

Assign AI License Seats To Your Team Members

To add users to the AI license Seats setting in Momentum:

  1. Log in to the Momentum Admin: Visit the Momentum admin page and log in with your credentials

  2. In the Team section, find or invite the users you’d like to assign AI licenses to

  3. Click Assign AI License option in the users’s record

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Momentum’s Chorus Integration requires two systems to communicate, and errors can occur in the event of miscommunication. For assistance troubleshooting Momentum’s Chorus Integration, don’t hesitate to contact our team via our shared Slack channel or at